Please Check The Suburbs Below For Your Postal Code
Find below the suburbs we deliver to and the postal codes for them:
Suburb | Street Code | Delivery fee | Suburb | Street Code | Delivery fee | |
Athlone | 7764 | R 95.00 | Lotus River | 7941 | R 75.00 | |
Bantry Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 | Maitland | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Belhar | 7493 | R 120.00 | Marina da Gama | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Bellville | 7530 | R 120.00 | Meadowridge | 7806 | R 75.00 | |
Bergvliet | 7945 | R 75.00 | Milnerton | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Bishop Lavis | 7490 | R 120.00 | Mitchells Plain | 7785 | R 95.00 | |
Bishopscourt | 7708 | R 75.00 | Montague Gardens | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Bloubergstrand | 7441 | R 120.00 | Monte Vista | 7460 | R 120.00 | |
Bo-Kaap | 8001 | R 95.00 | Mouille Point | 8005 | R 95.00 | |
Bonteheuwel | 7764 | R 95.00 | Mowbray | 7700 | R 75.00 | |
Bothasig | 7441 | R 120.00 | Muizenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Brackenfell | 7560 | R 120.00 | Ndabeni | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Brooklyn | 7405 | R 95.00 | Newlands | 7700 | R 75.00 | |
Burgundy Estate | 7441 | R 120.00 | Noordhoek | 7979 | R 120.00 | |
Camps Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 | Observatory | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Capri Village | 7975 | R 120.00 | Oranjezicht | 8001 | R 95.00 | |
Claremont | 7708 | R 75.00 | Ottery | 7800 | R 75.00 | |
Clifton | 8005 | R 95.00 | Panorama | 7500 | R 120.00 | |
Clovelly | 7975 | R 120.00 | Parklands | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Constantia | 7806 | R 75.00 | Parow | 7500 | R 120.00 | |
Crawford | 7779 | R 75.00 | Pelican Park | 7941 | R 75.00 | |
De Waterkant | 8000 | R 95.00 | Pinelands | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Devil's Peak Estate | 8001 | R 95.00 | Plattekloof | 7500 | R 120.00 | |
Diep River | 7945 | R 75.00 | Plumstead | 7800 | R 75.00 | |
Durbanville | 7550 | R 120.00 | Retreat | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Edgemead | 7441 | R 120.00 | Richwood | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Elsie's River | 7490 | R 120.00 | Rondebosch | 7700 | R 75.00 | |
Epping | 7460 | R 120.00 | Rondebosch East | 7780 | R 95.00 | |
Fish Hoek | 7975 | R 120.00 | Rosebank | 7700 | R 55.00 | |
Foreshore | 8001 | R 95.00 | Rugby | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Fresnaye | 8005 | R 95.00 | Salt River | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Gardens | 8001 | R 95.00 | Sea Point | 8005 | R 95.00 | |
Glencairn | 7975 | R 120.00 | Simon's Town | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Goodwood | 7460 | R 120.00 | Southfield | 7880 | R 75.00 | |
Grassy Park | 7941 | R 75.00 | St James | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Green Point | 8005 | R 95.00 | Steenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Harfield Village | 7708 | R 75.00 | Strandfontein | 7798 | R 95.00 | |
Heathfield | 7945 | R 75.00 | Sun Valley | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Hout Bay | 7875 | R 95.00 | Sunnydale | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Kalk Bay | 7975 | R 120.00 | Tableview | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Kenilworth | 7708 | R 75.00 | Tamboerskloof | 8001 | R 95.00 | |
Kenwyn | 7779 | R 75.00 | Thornton | 7460 | R 120.00 | |
Kirstenhof | 7945 | R 75.00 | Three Anchor Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 | |
Kommetjie | 7975 | R 120.00 | Tokai | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Kraaifontein | 7570 | R 120.00 | Vredehoek | 8001 | R 95.00 | |
Kreupelbosch | 7806 | R 75.00 | Walmer Estate | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Kuils River | 7579 | R 120.00 | West Beach | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Lakeside | 7945 | R 75.00 | Woodstock | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Lansdowne | 7779 | R 75.00 | Wynberg | 7800 | R 75.00 | |
Zonnebloem | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Please Check The Suburbs Below For Your Postal Code
Find below the suburbs we deliver to and the postal codes for them:
Suburb | Street Code | Delivery fee |
Athlone | 7764 | R 95.00 |
Bantry Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Belhar | 7493 | R 120.00 |
Bellville | 7530 | R 120.00 |
Bergvliet | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Bishop Lavis | 7490 | R 120.00 |
Bishopscourt | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Bloubergstrand | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Bo-Kaap | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Bonteheuwel | 7764 | R 95.00 |
Bothasig | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Brackenfell | 7560 | R 120.00 |
Brooklyn | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Burgundy Estate | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Camps Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Capri Village | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Claremont | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Clifton | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Clovelly | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Constantia | 7806 | R 75.00 |
Crawford | 7779 | R 75.00 |
De Waterkant | 8000 | R 95.00 |
Devil's Peak Estate | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Diep River | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Durbanville | 7550 | R 120.00 |
Edgemead | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Elsie's River | 7490 | R 120.00 |
Epping | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Fish Hoek | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Foreshore | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Fresnaye | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Gardens | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Glencairn | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Goodwood | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Grassy Park | 7941 | R 75.00 |
Green Point | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Harfield Village | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Heathfield | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Hout Bay | 7875 | R 95.00 |
Kalk Bay | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Kenilworth | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Kenwyn | 7779 | R 75.00 |
Kirstenhof | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Kommetjie | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Kraaifontein | 7570 | R 120.00 |
Kreupelbosch | 7806 | R 75.00 |
Kuils River | 7579 | R 120.00 |
Lakeside | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Lansdowne | 7779 | R 75.00 |
Lotus River | 7941 | R 75.00 |
Maitland | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Marina da Gama | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Meadowridge | 7806 | R 75.00 |
Milnerton | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Mitchells Plain | 7785 | R 95.00 |
Montague Gardens | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Monte Vista | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Mouille Point | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Mowbray | 7700 | R 75.00 |
Muizenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Ndabeni | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Newlands | 7700 | R 75.00 |
Noordhoek | 7979 | R 120.00 |
Observatory | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Oranjezicht | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Ottery | 7800 | R 75.00 |
Panorama | 7500 | R 120.00 |
Parklands | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Parow | 7500 | R 120.00 |
Pelican Park | 7941 | R 75.00 |
Pinelands | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Plattekloof | 7500 | R 120.00 |
Plumstead | 7800 | R 75.00 |
Retreat | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Richwood | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Rondebosch | 7700 | R 75.00 |
Rondebosch East | 7780 | R 95.00 |
Rosebank | 7700 | R 55.00 |
Rugby | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Salt River | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Sea Point | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Simon's Town | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Southfield | 7880 | R 75.00 |
St James | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Steenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Strandfontein | 7798 | R 95.00 |
Sun Valley | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Sunnydale | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Tableview | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Tamboerskloof | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Thornton | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Three Anchor Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Tokai | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Vredehoek | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Walmer Estate | 7925 | R 95.00 |
West Beach | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Woodstock | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Wynberg | 7800 | R 75.00 |
Zonnebloem | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Please Check The Suburbs Below For Your Postal Code
Find below the suburbs we deliver to and the postal codes for them:
Suburb | Street Code | Delivery fee | Suburb | Street Code | Delivery fee | |
Athlone | 7764 | R 95.00 | Lotus River | 7941 | R 75.00 | |
Bantry Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 | Maitland | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Belhar | 7493 | R 120.00 | Marina da Gama | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Bellville | 7530 | R 120.00 | Meadowridge | 7806 | R 75.00 | |
Bergvliet | 7945 | R 75.00 | Milnerton | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Bishop Lavis | 7490 | R 120.00 | Mitchells Plain | 7785 | R 95.00 | |
Bishopscourt | 7708 | R 75.00 | Montague Gardens | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Bloubergstrand | 7441 | R 120.00 | Monte Vista | 7460 | R 120.00 | |
Bo-Kaap | 8001 | R 95.00 | Mouille Point | 8005 | R 95.00 | |
Bonteheuwel | 7764 | R 95.00 | Mowbray | 7700 | R 75.00 | |
Bothasig | 7441 | R 120.00 | Muizenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Brackenfell | 7560 | R 120.00 | Ndabeni | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Brooklyn | 7405 | R 95.00 | Newlands | 7700 | R 75.00 | |
Burgundy Estate | 7441 | R 120.00 | Noordhoek | 7979 | R 120.00 | |
Camps Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 | Observatory | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Capri Village | 7975 | R 120.00 | Oranjezicht | 8001 | R 95.00 | |
Claremont | 7708 | R 75.00 | Ottery | 7800 | R 75.00 | |
Clifton | 8005 | R 95.00 | Panorama | 7500 | R 120.00 | |
Clovelly | 7975 | R 120.00 | Parklands | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Constantia | 7806 | R 75.00 | Parow | 7500 | R 120.00 | |
Crawford | 7779 | R 75.00 | Pelican Park | 7941 | R 75.00 | |
De Waterkant | 8000 | R 95.00 | Pinelands | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Devil's Peak Estate | 8001 | R 95.00 | Plattekloof | 7500 | R 120.00 | |
Diep River | 7945 | R 75.00 | Plumstead | 7800 | R 75.00 | |
Durbanville | 7550 | R 120.00 | Retreat | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Edgemead | 7441 | R 120.00 | Richwood | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Elsie's River | 7490 | R 120.00 | Rondebosch | 7700 | R 75.00 | |
Epping | 7460 | R 120.00 | Rondebosch East | 7780 | R 95.00 | |
Fish Hoek | 7975 | R 120.00 | Rosebank | 7700 | R 55.00 | |
Foreshore | 8001 | R 95.00 | Rugby | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Fresnaye | 8005 | R 95.00 | Salt River | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Gardens | 8001 | R 95.00 | Sea Point | 8005 | R 95.00 | |
Glencairn | 7975 | R 120.00 | Simon's Town | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Goodwood | 7460 | R 120.00 | Southfield | 7880 | R 75.00 | |
Grassy Park | 7941 | R 75.00 | St James | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Green Point | 8005 | R 95.00 | Steenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Harfield Village | 7708 | R 75.00 | Strandfontein | 7798 | R 95.00 | |
Heathfield | 7945 | R 75.00 | Sun Valley | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Hout Bay | 7875 | R 95.00 | Sunnydale | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Kalk Bay | 7975 | R 120.00 | Tableview | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Kenilworth | 7708 | R 75.00 | Tamboerskloof | 8001 | R 95.00 | |
Kenwyn | 7779 | R 75.00 | Thornton | 7460 | R 120.00 | |
Kirstenhof | 7945 | R 75.00 | Three Anchor Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 | |
Kommetjie | 7975 | R 120.00 | Tokai | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Kraaifontein | 7570 | R 120.00 | Vredehoek | 8001 | R 95.00 | |
Kreupelbosch | 7806 | R 75.00 | Walmer Estate | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Kuils River | 7579 | R 120.00 | West Beach | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Lakeside | 7945 | R 75.00 | Woodstock | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Lansdowne | 7779 | R 75.00 | Wynberg | 7800 | R 75.00 | |
Zonnebloem | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Please Check The Suburbs Below For Your Postal Code
Find below the suburbs we deliver to and the postal codes for them:
Suburb | Street Code | Delivery fee |
Athlone | 7764 | R 95.00 |
Bantry Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Belhar | 7493 | R 120.00 |
Bellville | 7530 | R 120.00 |
Bergvliet | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Bishop Lavis | 7490 | R 120.00 |
Bishopscourt | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Bloubergstrand | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Bo-Kaap | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Bonteheuwel | 7764 | R 95.00 |
Bothasig | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Brackenfell | 7560 | R 120.00 |
Brooklyn | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Burgundy Estate | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Camps Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Capri Village | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Claremont | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Clifton | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Clovelly | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Constantia | 7806 | R 75.00 |
Crawford | 7779 | R 75.00 |
De Waterkant | 8000 | R 95.00 |
Devil's Peak Estate | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Diep River | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Durbanville | 7550 | R 120.00 |
Edgemead | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Elsie's River | 7490 | R 120.00 |
Epping | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Fish Hoek | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Foreshore | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Fresnaye | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Gardens | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Glencairn | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Goodwood | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Grassy Park | 7941 | R 75.00 |
Green Point | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Harfield Village | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Heathfield | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Hout Bay | 7875 | R 95.00 |
Kalk Bay | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Kenilworth | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Kenwyn | 7779 | R 75.00 |
Kirstenhof | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Kommetjie | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Kraaifontein | 7570 | R 120.00 |
Kreupelbosch | 7806 | R 75.00 |
Kuils River | 7579 | R 120.00 |
Lakeside | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Lansdowne | 7779 | R 75.00 |
Lotus River | 7941 | R 75.00 |
Maitland | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Marina da Gama | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Meadowridge | 7806 | R 75.00 |
Milnerton | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Mitchells Plain | 7785 | R 95.00 |
Montague Gardens | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Monte Vista | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Mouille Point | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Mowbray | 7700 | R 75.00 |
Muizenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Ndabeni | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Newlands | 7700 | R 75.00 |
Noordhoek | 7979 | R 120.00 |
Observatory | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Oranjezicht | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Ottery | 7800 | R 75.00 |
Panorama | 7500 | R 120.00 |
Parklands | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Parow | 7500 | R 120.00 |
Pelican Park | 7941 | R 75.00 |
Pinelands | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Plattekloof | 7500 | R 120.00 |
Plumstead | 7800 | R 75.00 |
Retreat | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Richwood | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Rondebosch | 7700 | R 75.00 |
Rondebosch East | 7780 | R 95.00 |
Rosebank | 7700 | R 55.00 |
Rugby | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Salt River | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Sea Point | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Simon's Town | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Southfield | 7880 | R 75.00 |
St James | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Steenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Strandfontein | 7798 | R 95.00 |
Sun Valley | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Sunnydale | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Tableview | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Tamboerskloof | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Thornton | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Three Anchor Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Tokai | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Vredehoek | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Walmer Estate | 7925 | R 95.00 |
West Beach | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Woodstock | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Wynberg | 7800 | R 75.00 |
Zonnebloem | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Please Check The Suburbs Below For Your Postal Code
Find below the suburbs we deliver to and the postal codes for them:
Suburb | Street Code | Delivery fee | Suburb | Street Code | Delivery fee | |
Athlone | 7764 | R 95.00 | Lotus River | 7941 | R 75.00 | |
Bantry Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 | Maitland | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Belhar | 7493 | R 120.00 | Marina da Gama | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Bellville | 7530 | R 120.00 | Meadowridge | 7806 | R 75.00 | |
Bergvliet | 7945 | R 75.00 | Milnerton | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Bishop Lavis | 7490 | R 120.00 | Mitchells Plain | 7785 | R 95.00 | |
Bishopscourt | 7708 | R 75.00 | Montague Gardens | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Bloubergstrand | 7441 | R 120.00 | Monte Vista | 7460 | R 120.00 | |
Bo-Kaap | 8001 | R 95.00 | Mouille Point | 8005 | R 95.00 | |
Bonteheuwel | 7764 | R 95.00 | Mowbray | 7700 | R 75.00 | |
Bothasig | 7441 | R 120.00 | Muizenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Brackenfell | 7560 | R 120.00 | Ndabeni | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Brooklyn | 7405 | R 95.00 | Newlands | 7700 | R 75.00 | |
Burgundy Estate | 7441 | R 120.00 | Noordhoek | 7979 | R 120.00 | |
Camps Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 | Observatory | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Capri Village | 7975 | R 120.00 | Oranjezicht | 8001 | R 95.00 | |
Claremont | 7708 | R 75.00 | Ottery | 7800 | R 75.00 | |
Clifton | 8005 | R 95.00 | Panorama | 7500 | R 120.00 | |
Clovelly | 7975 | R 120.00 | Parklands | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Constantia | 7806 | R 75.00 | Parow | 7500 | R 120.00 | |
Crawford | 7779 | R 75.00 | Pelican Park | 7941 | R 75.00 | |
De Waterkant | 8000 | R 95.00 | Pinelands | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Devil's Peak Estate | 8001 | R 95.00 | Plattekloof | 7500 | R 120.00 | |
Diep River | 7945 | R 75.00 | Plumstead | 7800 | R 75.00 | |
Durbanville | 7550 | R 120.00 | Retreat | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Edgemead | 7441 | R 120.00 | Richwood | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Elsie's River | 7490 | R 120.00 | Rondebosch | 7700 | R 75.00 | |
Epping | 7460 | R 120.00 | Rondebosch East | 7780 | R 95.00 | |
Fish Hoek | 7975 | R 120.00 | Rosebank | 7700 | R 55.00 | |
Foreshore | 8001 | R 95.00 | Rugby | 7405 | R 95.00 | |
Fresnaye | 8005 | R 95.00 | Salt River | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Gardens | 8001 | R 95.00 | Sea Point | 8005 | R 95.00 | |
Glencairn | 7975 | R 120.00 | Simon's Town | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Goodwood | 7460 | R 120.00 | Southfield | 7880 | R 75.00 | |
Grassy Park | 7941 | R 75.00 | St James | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Green Point | 8005 | R 95.00 | Steenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Harfield Village | 7708 | R 75.00 | Strandfontein | 7798 | R 95.00 | |
Heathfield | 7945 | R 75.00 | Sun Valley | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Hout Bay | 7875 | R 95.00 | Sunnydale | 7975 | R 120.00 | |
Kalk Bay | 7975 | R 120.00 | Tableview | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Kenilworth | 7708 | R 75.00 | Tamboerskloof | 8001 | R 95.00 | |
Kenwyn | 7779 | R 75.00 | Thornton | 7460 | R 120.00 | |
Kirstenhof | 7945 | R 75.00 | Three Anchor Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 | |
Kommetjie | 7975 | R 120.00 | Tokai | 7945 | R 75.00 | |
Kraaifontein | 7570 | R 120.00 | Vredehoek | 8001 | R 95.00 | |
Kreupelbosch | 7806 | R 75.00 | Walmer Estate | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Kuils River | 7579 | R 120.00 | West Beach | 7441 | R 120.00 | |
Lakeside | 7945 | R 75.00 | Woodstock | 7925 | R 95.00 | |
Lansdowne | 7779 | R 75.00 | Wynberg | 7800 | R 75.00 | |
Zonnebloem | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Please Check The Suburbs Below For Your Postal Code
Find below the suburbs we deliver to and the postal codes for them:
Suburb | Street Code | Delivery fee |
Athlone | 7764 | R 95.00 |
Bantry Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Belhar | 7493 | R 120.00 |
Bellville | 7530 | R 120.00 |
Bergvliet | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Bishop Lavis | 7490 | R 120.00 |
Bishopscourt | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Bloubergstrand | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Bo-Kaap | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Bonteheuwel | 7764 | R 95.00 |
Bothasig | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Brackenfell | 7560 | R 120.00 |
Brooklyn | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Burgundy Estate | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Camps Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Capri Village | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Claremont | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Clifton | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Clovelly | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Constantia | 7806 | R 75.00 |
Crawford | 7779 | R 75.00 |
De Waterkant | 8000 | R 95.00 |
Devil's Peak Estate | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Diep River | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Durbanville | 7550 | R 120.00 |
Edgemead | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Elsie's River | 7490 | R 120.00 |
Epping | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Fish Hoek | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Foreshore | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Fresnaye | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Gardens | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Glencairn | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Goodwood | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Grassy Park | 7941 | R 75.00 |
Green Point | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Harfield Village | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Heathfield | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Hout Bay | 7875 | R 95.00 |
Kalk Bay | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Kenilworth | 7708 | R 75.00 |
Kenwyn | 7779 | R 75.00 |
Kirstenhof | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Kommetjie | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Kraaifontein | 7570 | R 120.00 |
Kreupelbosch | 7806 | R 75.00 |
Kuils River | 7579 | R 120.00 |
Lakeside | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Lansdowne | 7779 | R 75.00 |
Lotus River | 7941 | R 75.00 |
Maitland | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Marina da Gama | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Meadowridge | 7806 | R 75.00 |
Milnerton | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Mitchells Plain | 7785 | R 95.00 |
Montague Gardens | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Monte Vista | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Mouille Point | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Mowbray | 7700 | R 75.00 |
Muizenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Ndabeni | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Newlands | 7700 | R 75.00 |
Noordhoek | 7979 | R 120.00 |
Observatory | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Oranjezicht | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Ottery | 7800 | R 75.00 |
Panorama | 7500 | R 120.00 |
Parklands | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Parow | 7500 | R 120.00 |
Pelican Park | 7941 | R 75.00 |
Pinelands | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Plattekloof | 7500 | R 120.00 |
Plumstead | 7800 | R 75.00 |
Retreat | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Richwood | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Rondebosch | 7700 | R 75.00 |
Rondebosch East | 7780 | R 95.00 |
Rosebank | 7700 | R 55.00 |
Rugby | 7405 | R 95.00 |
Salt River | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Sea Point | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Simon's Town | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Southfield | 7880 | R 75.00 |
St James | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Steenberg | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Strandfontein | 7798 | R 95.00 |
Sun Valley | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Sunnydale | 7975 | R 120.00 |
Tableview | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Tamboerskloof | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Thornton | 7460 | R 120.00 |
Three Anchor Bay | 8005 | R 95.00 |
Tokai | 7945 | R 75.00 |
Vredehoek | 8001 | R 95.00 |
Walmer Estate | 7925 | R 95.00 |
West Beach | 7441 | R 120.00 |
Woodstock | 7925 | R 95.00 |
Wynberg | 7800 | R 75.00 |
Zonnebloem | 7925 | R 95.00 |